Reasons to Legalize and Regulate Ganja

As the cannabis industry continues to grow, the need to legalize and regulate the substance is becoming more urgent. Despite a lack of public support, recreational use of the drug is already legal in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and other states. As a result, many people believe that cannabis will make the drug less harmful than alcohol, and will be a more accessible alternative for young people to become independent and productive citizens.

It should be noted that the drug is less harmful than alcohol, which is why most Americans support legalization. And it is less addictive, and less likely to lead to violent behavior. It is important to protect young people, and to ensure that adults do not end up being punished for using a healthier substance. The only reason to penalize consumers for trying a safer option is to curb their access to the drug.

Furthermore, marijuana products should not be mixed with other dangerous substances, such as alcohol and tobacco, which could result in increased harms. The law should also avoid guiding consumers toward more harmful substances. While marijuana products are not as toxic as many other drugs, a high-potency dose can have harmful effects on the body. That is why marijuana should remain legal, even if its price is higher than the average street price.

Another benefit of legalizing cannabis is that it will replace the illicit market, allowing authorities to keep an eye on the people selling it. Tax revenues from the sales of marijuana can also be channeled to police, correctional facilities, drug rehabilitation centers, and other public programs. In addition, if legalized, the cannabis industry could also help pay for infrastructure. This would help the state with its budget and prevent crime in the long run.

In fact, a recent study found that 40% of high school students in Canada have a friend or family member who is a marijuana dealer at school. The drug is a public health risk, and prohibition guarantees that cannabis will not be tested for purity. Moreover, it is also environmentally harmful. The government cannot monitor the product. There is no effective way to prevent it from getting contaminated by toxic pesticides.

While legalizing cannabis will not solve all of the problems associated with alcohol, the public is still only familiar with the substance’s use. It has a single, limited-purpose use, and is responsible for 88,000 early deaths each year. The current alcohol-control regime is very similar to this of marijuana. It allows for the sale of both legal and illicit products. However, it does not address the use of drugs and alcohol in young people.

The cannabis industry is an important economic engine for states. Despite being illegal federally, it generates over two million jobs in the U.S. and many of these jobs are part of the poorest communities. The cheaper cannabis products may also increase the number of daily users in disadvantaged areas, causing economic and social harm to the community. The legalization of cannabis will help reduce these problems and make the industry much more accessible.

The legalization of marijuana can reduce the number of arrests related to the drug. For example, police data show that almost four thousand cases of cannabis possession occurred in 2017. In 2016, the same percentage of cannabis possession offences were reported to the police. The stigma and criminalization of marijuana can have serious consequences for many people. Therefore, it is essential to provide an environment that is conducive to marijuana use and reduce these incidents.

Regulation is a realistic alternative to prohibition. This model would include a strict age limit and licensing requirements for businesses selling the drug. Adults of legal age could also grow small amounts of cannabis for their own use. In the same way, the cannabis market would be subject to state and local sales taxes and reasonable excise taxes. The benefits of regulation outweigh the negatives. As a result, it is a good idea to Legalize and Regulate Cannabis